SWOT Analysis of Game Center Project

Strengths Weaknesses

Marketable: A game center is a very broad term that can be marketed towards both young and mature markets alike.

Flexible: A game center would be very easy to add to, making it a great option to keep up with current trends.

Economical: This project would be considerably less expensive than other projects aimed at user interaction.

Low Immediate Return: The main benefits of this project would come with the community and increased web traffic. It will most likely not see much return until a community is well established.

Opportunities Threats

Community: With a community based around a game center, we would make customers more receptive to our brand as well as increase web traffic considerably.

Unexplored Territory: A game center is mostly unexplored in our brand, which could lead to unseen complications. To combat this, we would hold extensive testing to ensure a quality product before launch.